المشاهد نت

Indiscriminate Shelling in Taiz: Death and Permanent Disability

By: Ezaddin Al Sofi

Taiz – Several neighborhoods in Taiz are subjected to indiscriminate shelling, leading to casualties among the civilian population, including both fatalities and injuries.  Since 2015, the Houthi group (Ansar Allah) has been in control of several districts in Taiz, while the Yemeni government controls the remaining part. The Houthis have resorted to shelling civilian neighborhoods in areas outside of their control, causing long-term suffering for hundreds of citizens.

Hadeel Abdulwasei, 23, fell victim to the indiscriminate shelling. During the incident, shrapnel caused the amputation of her hands, resulting in a permanent physical disability. Recalling the traumatic moment, she shared her experience with Al-Mushahid news, expressing the pain and distress she felt. “While tending to livestock in Al Arari area of Jabal Habashi district, upon my return home in the afternoon, a Houthi shell landed dangerously close, causing injuries to my body and the amputation of both my right and left hands,” she recounted.

“I became unable to move or speak seconds after the shell fell. I didn’t know what exactly happened. I was taken to Al Boraihi Hospital for treatment to save my life. After I underwent several operations and was on my way to the recovery room, I realized something was missing from my body. I was shocked to discover that both of my hands had been amputated,” she added.

Hadeel was not the first nor the last victim of indiscriminate shelling; the number of civilian casualties continues to rise amidst the ongoing military and political conflict in the country.

Hadeel continues her conversation with Al Mushahid, stating, “After forty days of being hospitalized, I began trying to help myself, but I couldn’t do anything. I was waiting for my mother to return and assist me.”

Despite the seriousness of her injury, Hadeel’s passion for life and her determination to pursue education remained unscathed. She completed her education after her health had improved. She said: “I recalled every single moment from my school days when I was unable to use a pen, and it brought to mind how I used to practice writing with both hands. My initial attempt at using the pen with my feet began when I returned to school, but I was unable to do so. Through consistent training, I have honed my writing skills to the point where I can now independently engage in writing without any external aid, triumphing over my disability.”

Confronting challenges

Hadeel faced numerous challenges stemming from the physical disability caused by indiscriminate shelling. However, her steadfast determination to succeed and unwavering commitment to achieving her dream served as propelling force to overcome these obstacles.

“Physical disability poses a significant obstacle to achieving goals, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t be overcome. I confess that I have faced numerous challenges in my daily life, in addition to the difficulties I encountered during my educational journey, yet I never give up and strive to complete my education,” she explained. 

Hadeel successfully completed her high school education with distinction, and subsequently registered in the computer science department at a technical and vocational training institute in Taiz city. Today, she is proud to have accomplished many of her life aspirations.

Financial and emotional support

Hadeel received support and encouragement from her friends, family, and local community, especially Ehtirafi Institute that played a crucial role in pushing her towards achieving success. Everyone believed in her abilities to achieve the success she aspires to.

Speaking to Al Mushahid, Hayat Al Dhobhani, the general manager of Ehtirafi Institute, stated: “Hadeel’s backing and support went beyond financial support; it encompassed psychological support as well. The Institute, along with its management and team, played a prominent role in bolstering and support on Hadeel ever since her injury in 2017.
“The institute has provided her with a scholarship in computer science and another scholarship to learn English, recognizing the importance of the English language for the wounded.”

The clashes between the Houthi group and the Yemeni government forces persist in some districts of Taiz, with ongoing armed confrontations among different factions killing and injuring civilians. The Human Rights Information and Training Center , in semi-annual report for 2023, has documented approximately 530 violations against civilians in Taiz.

The report revealed that the Houthi group has been responsible for 470 violations, while non-state armed actors have committed approximately 33 violations. Individuals affiliated with political factions within the government army have been involved in 8 violations, while unidentified armed individuals have committed 18 violations. A single violation occurred as a result of clashes between government army personnel and non-state armed actors.

